Monday, May 11, 2009

Made up Holiday Alert

I would like to propose an addition of a new holiday in the Chicago land area.

More and more commonly, we have seen the rise of commercial holidays as well as even more bizarre days of celebration. Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley designated April 23, Shakespeare's 445th birthday, "talk like Shakespeare day." This is great, but who in Chicago can relate to talking like Shakespeare?

In light of this I would like to propose my own holiday. With the NBA finals beginning soon, I would like to designate June 4,"Talk Like Marv Albert Day!" in honor of the legendary commentator.

Nearly every Chicagoan could remember Marv calling Bulls games remarking on the "spectacular moves of Michael Jordan." Or toting the ever so famous, "Yes!" or "And it counts!"

Plus it's a lot easier to do an impression of Marv Albert than it is to do a Shakespeare. Say what you want about the man, but boy can he call a mean basketball game.

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